Monday, August 3, 2020

Blessings from Elders

It's an amazing coincidence that all four member of this family here in US for the first time in our life time are simultaneously employed on Aug 3, 2020. We took this picture on our dining table. The four  laptops represent the four companies that we work for. This moment was possible because all four of us are working remote due to Covid issues. The latest member to start the work is Tanvi who is starting her career today with Microsoft.

This day today was possible only because of blessings from our elders and wishes from all of you.

From BI to AI

It was just a couple of weeks back, I was speaking to Girish Pathak, my ex-colleague at Satyam & Zensar, who mentioned “From BI to AI” when he came to know that my younger daughter is joining Microsoft in the area of Cloud & Security that intersects with AI & ML.

I realized that when I started my career in Information Technology, BI was the hot and emerging 
trend in late nineties. All I used to do was eat, drink and talk BI to understand what the heck it meant and how to master it along with my ex-colleagues in erstwhile Satyam Computers.

Our daughter Tanvi recently graduated from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (seen here alongside her elementary school graduation pic) and is all set to join Microsoft in August. It’s just funny to think that in last 21 years the level of understanding from Dad to Daughter has evolved from BI to AI.

She is very excited to join her first job and here is wishing her the best.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day 2020

This is the first year that Father’s day has come while my Father is no more. Though I am not a huge fan of Father’s day but the fact that my Dad passed away 6 months back still seems so surreal. The inability to call him and talk about various things flashed today soon after I got up this morning. The feeling of not ever able to talk to my Dad was accentuated when my daughters called out Happy Father’s day.

This is the letter that I received from Didi today on this occasion. She has encouraged me to write more. Will try to do that as much as I can. 

As she is slowly planning her move to New York to start her law school, the significance of this day is becoming more vivid. I feel that I should become like roots - invisible but strong; the more kids reach for glorious heights in their life, the deeper in soil should I go to support them from falling. Let’s see if I can ever do that.

This is the letter that I received from Chotu today morning. So
cute. She is correct to point out my concern about summer solstice. I like that.

She also writes about difference in opinion but what she does not know is many times I try to bring on different or contradicting views than hers to help her appreciate the other side without getting angry or overwhelmed. Life is good because of inherent contradictions and she will become a much better person (she already is) once she realizes this inherent life’s contradictions. I am proud of her the way she is evolving as a thoughtful, compassionate and mature young woman.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Even Sky is not the Limit

Tanya with her hands on her mouth
This post comes after a long hiatus but at an extremely gratifying moment for me- My elder daughter, Tanya, finally selected her law school that she likes to attend for the class of 2023 and the honor goes to NYU school of law, New York.

To recapitulate, she was offered confirmed admission to these law schools:
    • Columbia
    • UPenn
    • NYU
    • University of Michigan
    • University of California, Berkley
    • University of Virgina

    View of NYU Law School
    All these schools perhaps rank in the top 10 law schools in US. After myriad back & forth, pros & cons, she finally concluded NYU as her choice. Based on what I heard from her, it appears her decision to pick NYU was mostly based on her current thinking of pursuing career in public interest. NYU seems to provide the most expanded support system for pursuing public interest in the field of law out of the schools that she was admitted to. 

    All this was the culmination of more than last 18 months of arduous work where she aced the LSAT while teaching part time to aspiring LSAT students. Filing copious applications for different law school can be nerve wracking to say the least and can burn you out. Similarly, deciding on your law school could be equally grueling if you have the good fortune of having option of choosing amongst different law schools.

    As a parent, I could not be more delighted of the incessant hard work that she put in to pursue her future aspirations. Though not of any momentous consequence but still it is important to note that she is now destined to pursue the craft of her great grandfather who was an eminent lawyer in Patna, India.

    However, after she made her school selection and deposited the money to accept the offer of NYU, she called me yesterday. She was a bit worried that she left the Ivy League school of Columbia and UPenn in favor of NYU. While listening to her concern, I reminded her that if she continues to be satisfied with her own research and data that the public interest program of NYU has a higher ranking than the corresponding courses in UPenn and Columbia then she should not be worried. I also suggested her to stop thinking of what others may think of her choice of law school because majority of her acquaintance may have only paltry understanding of what goes into such a decision process.

    Tanya at age 7 on the left with her sister
    I personally think that Tanya will get a world class law education in any of the schools that offered her admission. NYU will be as good a school as the rest of the schools that has extended her admission. It is not where she goes but what she does in her school will define what she can accomplish in her career ahead. My best wishes and prayers will always be with her to lead and live a meaningful and accomplished life.