Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Seventeenth Marriage Anniversary

Seventeen Years back on this day,
We got together in pristine setting;
Seven vows and seven promise,
My heart still feels we are dating.

Seventeen years back on this day,
Your heart jumped with excitement of a new life,
but also cried in pain;
You wished for your Dad to be with you,
But he was not there ever again.

Seventeen years back on this day,
here is the deepest secret nobody knows;
life was taking a turn,
the soul was not ready and the mind was going crazy;
you wished for a man,
who not only will hold your hand,
Firmer than anyone else;
but does so with a surreal,
charm and grace.

Seventeen years back on this day,
I was still thinking about career,
The thought of marriage seemed to be
In very distant future;
Life seemed just too good to be true,
With hardly any responsibilities and a decent career.
Have always been traditional at heart and a little orthodox
And left for my parents to decide for me,
To find the girl in my destiny;
Gave my parents the carte-blanche for all the dealing,
But finally listened to your mothers feeling.

Seventeen years of living with a man,
Who hardly goes with a plan;
Is not easy to handle,
With such grace, poise and élan.

Seventeen years of your life ,
Keeping personal aspirations aside,
You always rooted for the family’s pride.
Not sure if any amount of love, share and care
Will ever erase the pain of losing your mother,
And in quick succession your younger brother.

Seventeen years hence on this day,
It is for you to decide;
Because there is hardly any thought,
That I don’t abide.

Marriage they say is the union of the soul,
Even if thoughts are like opposite pole;
It’s not about reaching a common goal,
But to hold tight when the other does not seem right.
I love you more than you know,
I just wish I was not so slow;
I want all seven lives with you,
Wish you would have yearned for that too.

Here’s is whishing
A very Happy Marriage Anniversary,
Let’s raise a toast;
For the ups and downs,
Highs and lows;
But please stay with me forever,
Take my hand and lets be together.

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