Tuesday, August 25, 2009

High School Part II : Admission Requirement

This is part 2 of the 5 series write up that I thought I will write explaining the High School Admission Procedure. Since we all moved from Milpitas to Fremont in Aug 2009 we were considered new students in Mission High vs. regular students at Milpitas High. Being regular students have a slight advantage during the admission process as it is more regimented and school keeps you aware of the admission requirements and some of the procedures for regular students are completed while your child is in the middle school itself. However, being a new student in a new school district also is not a big deal provided you have ensured that all your documents is in order.

I filled up a couple of forms for Tanya on the first day the High school office opened on Aug 17th. The registrar later gave me a few more papers to fill in and bring it back along with my daughter for an appointment on Aug 24th with perhaps, the counselor. I guess this meeting might be to find out what subjects my daughter need to pick up or there is any scope for any honors classes. Frankly, I think the lesser Honors classes she takes the better it is as she will then gradually move to difficult subjects rather than jumping right in.

Here are the documents the high school asks in case you are coming from other school districts. You have to pick at the minimum one document from each set and submit to school with other regular forms

Current Picture ID
1. California’s Driver License
2. California State ID Card
3. Government ID Card
4. Valid Passport or consulate issued picture ID
5. Credecial para votar Mexicana (for Mexicans)
6. ID from home country
Current Original Document
1. Valid California Vehcile registration
2. Social Security Card
3. W-2 Form, state or federal tax returns files w/in the past 12 months
4. pay check issued by employer with both employer’s and employees name and address imprinted on pay check
Current Original Property Related Document
1. Property Tax bill or Close of Escrow statement
2. Rental or Lease agreement; name of landlord / landowner’s name, address and phone number must be printed on the documents
Current Bills
1. Utility bill / Cell phone bill
2. Car insurance bill
3. State agency mail, housing authority voucher
4. Official business mail (i.e. bank statement, health insurance document, credit card statement, etc)

In addition to the above documents you need to ensure that you also arrange for the child’s immunization records and their birth certificates (passport will do as well)

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